​Our future plans

projets futurs - future plans

Aware of the changes under-way and the growing awareness of citizens and governments around the world, we want to contribute at our level to the changes under-way. After several years of ecological practice, we want to take a big step, and the context lends itself to it! So here are our future plans.

Towards the world of tomorrow at Domaine de Briange!

We have hired three people to take our approach to the next level. We have entrusted them with issues that will feed our thinking. And you can meet them this summer.

The result of their work will be :

  • a charter on the values we practice at Domaine de Briange,
  • a detailed project for independent living,
  • and a comprehensive scorecard measuring our approach to autonomous camping.

Camille, Ophélie and Pauline tell you about our future plans

Employed at the Domaine de Briange since the beginning of April 2021, and have lived in St Remèze for several years. I have a diploma in hotel and restaurant management and a degree in sociology.

I am exploring the concept of global permaculture within the campsite. Plus, I am doing research to think about our consumption in terms of food and means to be used in order to achieve food self-sufficiency. Through this research, I will also question our waste production in order to move towards a zero waste campsite.

– Camille

As an apprentice manager of tourist accommodation, I have always been passionate about ecology and the desire to do better. This year, my project is to define the most self-sufficient habitat possible within the Domaine de Briange. Ideas are emerging and little by little the low-tech habitat is taking shape. Independence from energy is obvious, as is limiting energy-consuming appliances.

Slow Life” is possible without regressing in living comfort and we are going to prove it! In parallel, the idea of a low-tech habitat is so adapted to my way of thinking that I hope to be able to open my campsite and develop a low-tech network.

– Ophélie

I am a student in a professional degree course in regional planning, with a focus on sustainable development. I am an intern at the Domaine de Briange with the aim to improve my professionalism in the fields of energy, water consumption, waste management and carbon impact.

Thus, my job here is to make proposals for reducing consumption, which will then lead to changes that will lead to greater autonomy.

– Pauline

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